Mike DiBacco


Financial Planner

Professional Experience

Mike joined Sentinel Group in 2015 as an Investment Consultant. He is a Registered Representative of Sentinel Securities, LLC. and an Investment Advisor Representative of Sentinel Pension Advisors, Inc. He offers fee-based investment management and financial planning services to businesses, individuals and their families.

Before Sentinel, Mike spent three years at Fidelity Investments working for their high-net-worth department where he focused on trading and problem resolution. His passion for doing right by his clients is what drives him every day.

Educational Background and Certifications

  • Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH – Bachelor of Arts – Business
  • Accredited Investment Fiduciary®,  AIF®
  • FINRA Series 7, 9, 63 & 65


Boxford, MA

Out of the Office

Mike enjoys golfing, kayaking, snowboarding and playing hockey. In his down time, he also likes playing guitar and spending time with family and friends in New England.

Check the background of this investment professional on the SEC’s Investment Advisor Public Disclosure website

Personal Quote

“I believe that with the proper planning and saving habits, everyone can enjoy the retirement they deserve.”

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