Total Compensation & Benefits Statement

Don’t underestimate the value of your total compensation strategy

Transparent Value

Total Compensation and Benefits Statements outline a person’s wages and provided benefits, as well as the costs of those benefits. Providing an annual reminder to your people about their total value to the organization, both in compensation and in monetary value of a benefits package, shows your employees you appreciate their worth.

With a Total Compensation and Benefits Statement, you can:

  • Build morale by demonstrating value
  • Improve employee retention
  • Provide added security for employees and their families
  • Help employees identify any benefits gaps

“We really like that you have an abundance of financial wellness tools. That’s been really great.”

– Nikki Badje, Senior VP & Chief Human Resources Officer, TruWest Credit Union

Ready to start a conversation?

To learn more about our Total Compensation and Benefits Statements, contact us today by calling (800) 436-6689 or filling out the form to the right.