Make a Plan for Your Goals
Whether you dream of owning a new home, starting a business, traveling more, or just living comfortably in retirement – none of these goals are achieved by accident.
That's why financial planning is so important. With a plan in place, you can determine where you are now, where you’d like to be in the future – and what you must do to get there.
Financial Planners Help Build Better Experiences
Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you need professional help for a problem or if you can handle it yourself.
It happens all the time – financial questions pop up that you consider silly so you feel like you must handle them alone.
Don’t ever sit on the sidelines and fear asking for help or think your situation is unqualified to go to a planner. Solid and respectable planners let you know if they can help – and more importantly – if they can't, referring a professional who can. They also let you know if they think you can plan your finances yourself.
David Batchelder
Senior Investment Officer
Dan Bernardo
VP, Financial Planner, Private Client Group
James Bremis
Financial Planner
Jim Carnevale
While some professionals may call themselves financial planners, only those who demonstrate the requisite experience, education and ethical standards are awarded the CFP® mark. A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, or CFP® practitioner, is a financial professional who meets the requirements established by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.
At Sentinel, all of our Financial Planners are either CFPs® or on a CFP® track.
What does a CFP® professional do?
A CFP® professional is trained to develop and implement comprehensive financial plans for individuals, businesses, and organizations. They have the knowledge and skills to objectively assess your current financial status, identify potential problem areas and recommend appropriate options.
How can Sentinel’s CFP® professionals help you?
Our CFP® professionals can help you create a personal budget, control expenses and develop and implement plans for retirement, education and/or wealth protection. A CFP® professional can offer expertise in risk management, including strategies involving life and long-term care insurance, health insurance and liability coverage. They can often help with your tax planning or manage your asset portfolio based on your goals.
Specifically, Sentinel’s CFP® professionals can help you:
- Establish financial and personal goals and create a plan to achieve them
- Evaluate your financial well-being with a thorough analysis of your assets, liabilities, income, taxes, investments and insurance
- Identify areas of concern and help you address them by developing a financial plan
- Review your plan periodically to accommodate your changing personal circumstances and financial goals
Keep in mind that there is no assurance that working with a financial professional will improve investment results.
Ready to start a conversation?
Speak with a Financial Planner today! We can help you:
- Create a financial plan
- Life insurance and Long-Term care planning
- Education fund planning
- Health care planning strategies
- And other major financial considerations